Many adult cats experience tooth resorption. Unfortunately, many will not receive treatment because the condition remains undetected. In this post, our Sacramento vets list signs of tooth resorption to look for and treatment options if this occurs. 

Tooth Resorption in Cats 

Tooth resorption happens when the dentin (the hard tissue underneath a tooth's enamel) of a single tooth or multiple teeth starts to erode. Left untreated, this painful process can cause irreparable damage over time. Tooth resorption can affect every component in your cat's rotten tooth, leading to the body of the tooth being destroyed and absorbing the structures that form the tooth. 

The process of tooth resorption begins with the outer enamel breaking down and continues toward the center of the tooth. Eventually, most of the tooth disappears, leaving only a raised bump on the gums. The premolars in the lower jaw (generally the third premolars) are most often affected by tooth resorption. 

In some cases, your cat will be left with a hole in the tooth that closely resembles a cavity. However, the difference between cavities and tooth resorption is that cavities are the result of bacteria, and resorption is the result of a biological process in the body. Cavities are also fairly rare in cats, so if you see a hole in your cat's tooth that looks like a cavity, there's a chance that it is actually tooth resorption. 

What are the common symptoms of tooth resorption in cats?

Cats are stoic creatures who are naturally inclined to hide signs of pain. So, although resorption can be very painful for cats, it can be hard for owners to recognize. This is why it's very important to be able to recognize the signs and behaviors detailed below:

  • Increased salivation
  • Difficulty eating
  • Oral bleeding
  • Behavioral changes

What causes tooth resorption? 

Though the exact cause of tooth resorption is unknown, diet is thought to be a contributing factor. Periodontal disease, frequent vomiting, and mineral excesses or deficiencies in food or water may also play a role in the process. 

What are the different types of tooth resorption in cats?

Cats can experience different kinds of tooth resorption. The type your cat has will be determined by the way the tooth appears on an X-ray. When a veterinarian takes a radiograph of a normal tooth, they should see the tooth root with a thin, dark outline surrounding it, that separates the root from the bone. The dark outline represents the periodontal ligament, a normal anatomic element connecting the bone to the root. 

The two different types of tooth resorption are: 

Type 1 Tooth Resorption 

The tooth's crown will be damaged, but the tooth root looks normal on the X-ray and the periodontal ligament is easily recognized. This type has been linked to peridontal disease. 

Type 2 Tooth Resorption 

Also referred to as replacement resorption, if your cat is diagnosed with type 2 tooth resorption, the tooth root will look like it is disintegrating, making it difficult to differentiate from the bone on the radiograph. This is referred to as replacement resorption 

Type 3 Tooth Resorption 

Cats with this type show features of both type 1 and type 2 tooth resorption. 

Whatever the underlying cause, the result is loss of the tooth's outer hard tissue (enamel, cementum, and dentin). Both types of lesions can affect the tooth's root and crown. Lesions that impact the tooth's crown are very painful and require treatment. 

What are the treatment options if your cat has tooth resorption?

If you think your cat may have tooth resorption, call your vet right away to book an examination for your kitty. If your veterinarian suspects your feline friend has this condition, they will conduct diagnostic tests like X-rays and a clinical screening while your cat is under anesthesia. Your vet may also perform a complete dental screening. Without these tests, your cat's tooth resorption will go undiagnosed. If your cat's tooth resorption goes untreated, it will continue to become more severe, causing your cat unnecessary pain.

Because this condition can be challenging for pet parents to recognize, it's important to bring your kitty to the vet for routine dental exams and cleanings to give your vet the chance to detect this condition in its earliest forms.

If your vet diagnoses your cat with type 1 tooth resorption, they will likely need to extract your cat's tooth root and crown. If your kitty has type 2 tooth resorption, your vet may need to conduct a crown amputation with intentional root retention. 

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding people or pets. Always follow your doctor's advice regarding asthma or other allergy symptoms. 

Do you suspect your cat may be suffering from a dental condition? Please contact our Sacramento vets today to book a dental appointment and oral examination for your feline friend.